Monday, September 26, 2011

Where does life end and ministry begin?

This is a question I have struggled with since leaving Zambia the end of 2008/beginning of 2009. The easy answer is that as followers of Christ we are to be ministers of peace wherever we are. But, somehow being in full-time vocational ministry and transitioning to being back in my home culture and then becoming both a wife and a mother with a new set of duties and priorities, I find it hard to find the line between life and ministry.

Before, I had relationships with women who were struggling in different areas of their lives and I regularly met with them to give them healthcare, to pray with them, to give them opportunities to hear what God might be speaking to their hearts. These days I spend most of my time chasing after a busy toddler. Those of you who know him are laughing right now. I am regularly being told two things by people (even passersby): 1. B is the busiest boy I have seen 2. This will pass and you will get through this. :) I'm actually (most of the time) not looking to 'get through this,' in fact, I have a feeling that he's going to run through life, so I'm a little afraid of what getting through this will lead to!

I feel like I played hookie a lot this summer. We enjoyed being out of doors, taking walks in our park, visiting friends and family in Kansas and Colorado, going on a surprise vacation to Hawaii with my family, inviting 3 people onto the Tanzania team and hosting 3 more from out of town for interviews, and picking lots of blackberries (my favorite- turns out they are B's too!).

Frankly, as Fall sets back in, I feel like it's time to get back to routine. To get a schedule going (too bad I'm not much of a schedule person, hmm...) and get things in line (communication would definately be on that list). We are getting excited as we feel the team being formed and knowing that we can take no credit for the way God is moving in so many different hearts. There are a few positions left to fill, but in the meantime, we are getting back into the swing of things building a support team, a prayer team, and shooting to be in Tanzania somewhere between the end of Spring and the beginning of Fall 2012.

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